
Visual dynamic content goes hand in hand with an audiorow. The visual information changing in time needs high-quality scoring. We divide scoring of a visual row into the following categories:

  • Announcer's scoring
  • Actor's scoring
  • Noise scoring
  • Sound scoring
  • Musical scoring

Service of scoring of voice greetings contains a number of options which can be expressed the list of questions:

  • To make the text of a voice greeting?
  • Voice greeting by a man's or female voice? To nurseries?
  • To sound a voice greeting?
  • To make a voice greeting?
  • Voice greeting - the only message to the subscriber or how part of the voice menu?
  • Voice greeting in the form of an advertizing audioroller?
  • Voice greeting with musical registration or without it?

We will try to make small digression to a subject of creation of voice greetings for the purpose of disclosure of answers to the questions posed.


At the beginning writing of the game project difficult, and sometimes it is absolutely impossible to foresee success of the game project for all hundred percent. It is very important to imagine it most precisely.
